Tuesday, November 29, 2005

More Things I don't Understand

White House/Black Market: a women's clothing store where everything is black and white. All of it! two of these stores have opened up within ten miles of my place this Fall.

Why its so freaking hard to find a map of the world that focuses on the topography and not the political boundaries. Or has every city delineated with cute little drawings. I'm trying to track prehistoric people movement here!

Why Jewish status is determined by the mother when the genetic evidence says that the paternal genetic status is "purer" with regular influx of other genetic strains through intermarriage with local women.

The cliche of the "funny" blind guy. What's up with that?


The Moody Minstrel said...

Point #1: It's interesting that people not only find a union between the White House and the Black Market acceptable, but apparently popular! And in today's U.S.A., it only makes sense that people see everything in black and white.

Point #2: Most people only give a damn about politics and nationalism anyway. Only people with serious intelligence (or eccentricities) would give a damn about topography, and thinking is definitely a no-no these days.

Point #3: Have you ever met a Jewish mother? End of argument.

Point #4: I think people are just having trouble coping with the loss of Ray Charles.

Actually, I have no idea.

mjaug - How English-speakers will probably end up pronouncing "mah-jong".

The Moody Minstrel said...

Uh, oh...

Has Phillipa stopped thinking?

Anonymous said...

Disillusioned, perhaps, but she'll be back. Probably my fault. Come back and write some silly poems Phillipa. I check your site every day, so you aren't being ignored!