Sunday, January 15, 2006

Cha Cha Cha Cha Changes

No I haven't disappeared. I moved three days before Christmas. Had to put most of my books and things into storage and have little internet time because I'm using someone else's computer. Can't tell you what the plan is because at the moment I don't really have one.

I've made a New Year's resolution to eat more chocolate and wear more muumuus. I still haven't met evil Peggy who apparently likes to mind other people's business more than her own, but I have been interviewing for work which is wierd because I live in a town that is much (much much) smaller than Portland but in six months I only had three interviews. I've had that many just last week!


Anonymous said...

Good luck on your job search. I had the same problem.

The Moody Minstrel said...

Actually, I think I can understand the reason perfectly well as I can see it right here in my neighborhood. The town in which you live has a median age that is probably twice that of Portland because young people with any sense of ambition don't live there. They immediately emigrate to the city. Hence, the city has a glut of age 20-40 types, whereas the small, out-of-the-way towns have a chronic shortage of them.

The same thing is true of (former) Aso town. Half the known (Japanese) universe is from Aso, but all you see walking around here is older folks and Thai and Chinese immigrants. Go to a supermarket in Kashima, Itako, or Sawara and all the cashiers are young and reasonably intelligent-looking. Go to the one large supermarket in Aso and the cashiers either look like high school dropouts with two-digit IQs or are middle-aged.

Whatever. Whatever will be will be, so be good.

Phillipa Scratch said...

Don' wanna. Haff no thinkings leff. All tired. Go bye bye!

sttpoc - the family member Sarek never talks about.