Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Protocols of the Elders of Zion

More racist literature from the internet. The claim is that these are the minutes for a secret meeting held at midnight in a cemetery of all the jewish leaders in Europe. It's supposedly a record of their activities up until 1850, and their plans for Europe through 1950.

The first version was published as an underground document in 1868 by a man named Goedsche. He had ties to the Prussian secret police due to his apparent knack in creating forged documents to justify police activities. This was probably another attempt to give the state leverage against its Jewish population. Quite a bit of the document appears to have been "lifted" from an earlier work written in France about a conversation in Hell between Montesque and Machiavelli outlining a political conspiracy.

The first public appearance of the document was in 1905 in Russia. A priest names Sergius Nilus published the Protocols as fact to try to blame the Russian revolution on the Jews.

From that day to this the debate continues. Racist and supremist movements continue to publish the Protocols as fact, real minutes of a real meeting, evidence of a real conspiracy. Henry Ford, of Ford motor fame sponsored a printing of the Protocols in the U.S. in 1927. Russia even held a court trial to determine the veracity of the document and declared it to be a forgery. Japan, on the other hand prints it as fact and a good example of conspiracy and statecraft, like reading Machiavelli's "The Prince". Arab newspapers still print excerpts from it as proof of Jewish treachery and usurpation.

I read the thing yesterday. An English version is available online, although you have to dig a bit through all the articles that hate them to find it. Some points:
  • The Protocols state that if they control Europe they'll control the whole world. Was that even true in the 1800's?
  • The despotic ruler they intend to put in place will appear to be benevolent and fatherly and will be raised to rule from birth but will only be allowed to take the throne by passing examination by the council of Elders. Also abuses of power such as nepotism and appropriating funds will be severly punished. How Evil is that?
  • The Protocols state that they will outlaw Christ, but the following description of what they intend to do only covers the destruction of the secular power of the Church.
  • It's all but stated overtly that this Jewish despot is the Anti-Christ (the version I read the editor did state it in the margin) Hmmm.

I don't know. I guess I just don't get the "single world government as evil" doctrine that race groups and fundamental Christian groups both seem adamant is the case. Stable economy, no more war, better distribution of goods, a way to insist that conflicting idealogies play nice with each other. I'm not that keen on homogenous humanity where everyone looks acts and thinks the same, but does one necessitate the other?


The Moody Minstrel said...

- Controlling Europe (and therefore the world)?
The U.S.A. via Britain and, until recently, Germany and Spain.
- A benevolent, fatherly leader, trained to rule from birth, who is really a despot with a hidden agenda?
George W. Bush, President of the U.S.A.
- Punishment for nepotism/cronyism and abuse of power?
Enron in the U.S.A.
- Outlawing of the secular power of the church
Separation of church and state in the U.S.A. [though Bush & Co. are apparently trying to change that]
- Trying to promote a global trade/political bloc (while trying at the same time to stay above and aloof from it)
The U.S.A.

If I were a conspiracy theorist, I could have a hayday with this one!

Anonymous said...

Don't let your antiBush bias cloud you from seeing other possibilities. Try looking at it from the perspective of a Jew in Isreal.

Phillipa Scratch said...

George W. isn't Jewish. Their despot ruler will only be installed after all non-Jewish states are destroyed from within by the economic, educational, ideaological and revolutionary activities of their agents and moles have been completed. The rulers of the new regime will be wholly and undeniably Jewish in all ways.

The punishment for abuse of power, according to the Protocols is to be severe "beyond the measure of the crime". Each instance is to be such an ugly example that no one will be quick to do the same again.

Besides the conspiracy set out in the Protocols is for the control and eventual domination of several different nations at the same time.

Anonymous said...

No one said the AntiChrist wouldn't be a jew, in fact, the False Prophet may claim to be a Jew.

Its only logical.

Or, the AntiChrist may be a Muslim. Or the Pope. There are many possible answers besides GWB.

The Moody Minstrel said...

Some people are so incapable of spotting an obvious joke...

qynqo - Kinko's Greek branch.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, what's so funny?

Phillipa Scratch said...

If the Anti-Christ wants to make me a believer he better be able to make some really good chocolate cookies!

Why does the Anti-Christ have to be a guy anyway. If its supposed to be the opposite of Jesus wouldn't we have a violent, judgemental, greedy, ambitious and power-hungry woman with a flair for fashion who is a real slut? Or at least someone who appears to be? Why not go to the depths of Biblical Anti-Goodness and make the Anti-Christ a cross-dresser! Who eats split hooved animals.

Ooh. Mental picture.

The Moody Minstrel said...

I thought what Phillipa said was funny, for one.

No, the point was that it was so easy for me to come up with a very pat (and totally ridiculous) conspiracy theory centered on the U.S.A. using very simplistic logic. What's really funny (or not) is that so many people do the same sort of thing and take it very seriously.

Then there are the people who take such whacked-out theories WAYYY too seriously, speaking of which...

Pa've, if you'd actually read my "joke", you'd have noticed that I targeted GWB specifically only once. I also hit the Constitution, which has nothing to do with GWB. On the other hand, I targeted the U.S.A. itself twice. This is not centered on anti-Bush bias, Pa've. I suggest you wipe the froth off your mouth and ask yourself why you're so paranoid when it comes to defending this particular president.