Saturday, November 12, 2005

Adamic Seedlines

Wow! you can really find some wild stuff to read on this internet thingy.

The other day I turned on a Veteran's Day special about WWII. They were showing color film footage that someone smuggled out of the Polish ghettos and showed to the President of the U.S. (according to this special he refused to believe it.) Anyway, wanting something more cheerful to watch I go to change the channel and Whammo! one of the dead children lying on the sidewalk breathes. Inhale and exhale, on camera, the flies even moved. What the hell?

It's a continuous assertion by white supremist movements that the Nazi Holocaust wasn't real. That it was war propaganda by the Jewish controlled media to make the Nazi regime look bad. Their insist the Nazi's put their jewish populations in ghettos and concentration camps but they were treated and fed well and the only deaths were due to unfortunate diseases and fighting among themselves. The mass graves, death marches, gas chambers etc. are all lies and the photographic evidence is all faked. They even go so far as to insist that the anecdotal evidence from "survivors" are lies, part of the Jewish conspiracy to undermine any attempt to maintain pure race bloodlines.

Anyway, that's background. That corpse in her little headscarf breathing got me started thinking (always a dangerous thing) so today I went online looking for "evidence" of the "Jewish Conspiracy" and I came across something very interesting; Adamic Seedlines.

I came across several articles, both for and against the doctrine from white supremist, jewish and theological sources. It's basic "thing it says" is that during the war in heaven when Lucifer got tossed, souls who helped the spirit of Christ and his angels were given the "birthright" and souls who helped Lucifer or sat back and did nothing weren't. This Birthright was an inalienable right to know and administer the will of God. When these souls were born onto the earth they would take that birthright with them.

Step two was during the whole Eden thing. Eve had sex with Adam and either the serpent or the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (it varies) which was really Satan. (Sex with a tree?) She had twin sons, Cain the son of Satan and Abel the son of Adam. Abel had the birthright, Cain wanted it for himself so he killed Abel and was cast out because of it. Then Adam and Eve had Seth and Seth was a soul with the birthright.

From that point to this it continues on; direct descendants of Adam, those of pure blood, have souls from this queue of beings annointed with the birthright. They are the true people of God, believers in Christ, true rulers of the world, and white. All other peoples of the earth are descendants of Satan who have a single goal in this world, get the birthright for themselves. They think they can acheive this goal by interbreeding with the Adamic seedline. Once there are no more "pure" people with the birthright they can have the power. They also like to start wars between Adamic groups in the hopes they will wipe each other out.

  • Their explanation that the Jewish people became the Old Testament people of God because of Talmudic Jesuits rewriting the Bible during Roman times is a bit of a stretch.
  • Is there any Archaeological evidence that the Judeans, which they insist were pureblood, birthright people, were white? Are there any skeletal differences?
  • I liked the con writer who argued that Satan was a spirit and had no body so Eve having sex with the Devil was like saying the Virgin Mary had sex with God.
  • I keep wanting to recite my Bene Gesserit training "fear is the mind killer . .
  • Racists do have one point that is definately true; interracial breeding will result in the minority being absorbed into the genetic majority. In that case we should all be learning Chinese.

Leave a comment!


Anonymous said...

It is not necessarily probable that Adam and Eve were either white or black, or asian, rather, they had genes which contained all of the human race. Probably the time and place where human diversity began is the Tower of Babel.

Up until this time, people married and had children, and because of genetics, none had been seperated into different races, so it was possible that a black mother and a white father could have either a black son, or a white daughter with red hair.

However, God seems to have seperated the people in that region by language, and possibly also by similar traits in genes. Thus, like and like went and created the various major races of the world we see today.

Now, with international travel and immigration, we are seeing the reverse of this seperation, and blacks are becoming lighter in color, and whites are starting to get darker skin. This is obvisouly not true in all cases, mostly Europe and the Americas.

The Moody Minstrel said...

All I can say is that it's truly scary when total whack-jobs start thinking in a way that approaches logic and even scarier when they post their spiel in a way that could potentially win converts.

I'd say examine all the evidence with a critical eye.

The Moody Minstrel said...

Ack...I don't even know why I'm doing this...

I actually read one of those "Adamic Seedline" websites a number of years ago. (In fact, I seem to remember Pa've pointing me in its direction.) That site asserted that the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" was actually tribes of human beings, followers if not progeny of Satan, that already existed outside of the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve, being "godly" humans, were forbidden from interacting with them. Wouldn't you know it, the serpent introduces Eve to them, and the fleshly pleasures of their culture. She discovers that they are "good", so she talks Adam into "partaking".

This theory kills several birds with one stone. For one thing, it rectifies the parallel creation stories, because the "man, male and female" God creates in the first one are the tribes that have fallen to Satan. It also covers God's line, "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed (i.e. the descendents of the existing tribes) and her seed (i.e. the Adamic seedline), He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel."

Of course, the theory also allows for white supremacy by saying the "white races" are descended from Adam, whereas the "colored races" are descended from the earlier tribes.

So, was Hitler obeying the will of God, then?


Anonymous said...

No, I don't think so. Hitler derived a bunch of religious hypermundundo from several different cults and tried to put them all together in the same sentance claiming it was the christian thing to do, which is why Germany was so snowballed. However, Hitler himself was not arien, otherwise he would have been blond. Quite a ruthless liar, and a fascinating case study of why we still have white supremisists running around today.

Phillipa Scratch said...

Did you know that another staunch racist who supported and funded anti-semitic activities in the U.S. was Henry Ford?

The Moody Minstrel said...

So is(was?) Adolph Coors, founder of the Coors Brewing Company.
So is/was the guy that owns and operates Denny's restaurants (until they made the mistake of blatantly discriminating against a group of black Secret Service agents). (Ironically, I faced obvious discrimination once in a Denny's here in Japan.)
So is Ted Nugent.

Face it; morons are everywhere, and neither fame nor fortune are a cure for idiocy.