Friday, August 03, 2007

Yo No Comprendo

I can read sci-fi, I can read horror, I can read mysteries, non-fiction about serial killers all without any issues, but I read a book on Fung shei (sp?) and I have nightmares. Animals at the foot of the bed scratching around, people (that no be there!) waking me up. What gives?


Anonymous said...

What in the world is Fung Shei about. Is it a Chinese cook book?

Phillipa Scratch said...

"Feng shui is the chinese art of placement" or in regular-speak, where you put things, where you build things, what things are made of and how they relate to each other has an effect on the energy of a place and affects humans who live or work there. (or are buried there, this book says it's earliest applications were for grave sites).

The Moody Minstrel said... kids and I had experiences like that the last time we visited there! Remember my infamous photo with the "ghost cow"?