Friday, July 27, 2007

A case for Technology Trolls

O.K. what the *****?? After months and weeks of not having internet access we finally go ahead and set me up with a wireless internet connection and now I can't get this crazy blog thing to work. It will not will not will not let me submit any comments on anyone else's post it just keeps going around in circles asking me to type in nonsense word after nonsense word and won't post the damned thing. I couldn't tell my brother's friend (who's into pirates) about the guy dressed up as a pirate at our town's fair, complete with cutlass and working (though not loaded) pistol. I can't comment on any of my brother's posts. I wrote down my user name and password and i've tried endless variations of it. AAAAARRRRGGGGHHH! Phillipa no think, Phillipa toss computer out the window!


Phillipa Scratch said...

Oh Boy. I can't even post a question on the help site to try to fix this. It says there is a problem with my nickname and can't use it.

Phillipa Scratch said...

I can leave comments to myself. Talking to myself. Blah blah blah.

they tell us that . . we lost our tails . . evolving up . . from little snails. . .

Phillipa Scratch said...


Anonymous said...

Blogger has updated their service so you may have to convert your blog over to the new system. I don't know why you can't post anywhere else except here, there is no blogger support help like there used to be, you have to post a message on the forum and hope somebody looks at it.

Long time no see. Good to hear from you...

The Moody Minstrel said...

It looks to me like you've finally solved your problem, at least in terms of being able to comment on MY blog.

The last time I had a commenting problem similar to the one you mentioned (i.e. it just kept spitting out yet another word verification), I found out things worked better if I logged on first before commenting.

Then again, if you can't log in...

Anonymous said...

Pink? You are so much like your brother in interesting ways.


Phillipa Scratch said...

It was switching to the new service that messed me up in the first place. Oh well. Technoblurg!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that while the servers update your blog, they do in fact screw up access until the process is complete. Same thing happened to me, now that I think about it. Looks like its squared away now though.