Saturday, October 29, 2005

I'm game!

Mr. Moody Minstrel says he'd like me to participate in this blog tag thing. I'm not sure how this is supposed to work, but here are my answers:

7 things I plan to do before I die:
  1. Make friends with a connected Egyptologist, so I can tour the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens.
  2. See a really cool thunderstorm.
  3. Pay back the money I owe my parents
  4. Have a wall full of books in real wood bookshelves.
  5. Have some kind of vocation, the search continues . . .
  6. Live in my dream space in a nice small city.
  7. Understand the nature of the human soul.

7 things I can do:

  1. Make good cookies.
  2. Play the piano.
  3. Knit, Crochet and Tatt (a little)
  4. Learn new computer programs "on the fly"
  5. Organize a weekend campout for 20!
  6. Perform and/or speak in front of a large group (altough I haven't done it in a while)
  7. Be organized! (though neat I ain't)

7 things I cannot do:

  1. Cheat, backstab, sabotage any of that screw the other guy to get ahead stuff.
  2. Fall for pick up lines. Especially the drunk and stupid variety. (Has "I got an air mattress in the back of my truck" ever worked?)
  3. Fit in. I'm just too strange for that.
  4. Tolerate being lied to or patronized.
  5. Kiss-ass. and in the same vein,
  6. Flirt, which probably accounts for,
  7. Keep a job. I keep getting laid off.

7 things that attract me to another person:

  1. Common interests
  2. Open and tolerant religious views.
  3. good speaking voice (that's the musician in me)
  4. Strangeness: the golf, suburban home, SUV, set isn't what I want.
  5. Lots of active interests of their own.
  6. Clarity in their own life. Something I want, I guess I hope its contagious.
  7. a good sense of the ridiculous.

7 things I say the most:

  1. "Phillpott Tater Tot." (he's a mighty hunter:) replacement swear word and question answer.
  2. "Gon ditty bau bau". this is a funky bass rhythm, bobbing of the head is required.
  3. "Fancy Pants" to denote something high class or pretentious.
  4. "Keeka, meow!" and "doggie!"
  5. "Mr. Lady" used to denote other drivers on the road. "Excuse me Mr. Lady, Watch it Mr. Lady."
  6. "That is so cool" Solely by my own standards, you understand.
  7. Repeating consonant sounds, I actually developed a stutter 3-4 years ago.


The Moody Minstrel said...

You're too honest, agreeable, and capable to keep a job.

zftvzri - The secret password to get into the Keen of Engwand's special tower. (Unfortunately, even the Keen hemself can't pronounce it right...)

Phillipa Scratch said...

Not to mention ugly, fat and actually wanting to work for my pay. Real career killers. "Real companies" have "eye candy in the front office".

bzgqwgoo? A tasty sandwich spread.

Anonymous said...

Stop calling yourself ugly and fat. If you beat up on yourself, others are sure to pile on. And flirting, smile, all the time, even when you don't want to. Be funny now and then. Don't be so serious that everyone thinks you are a bore. I know some fat ladies who are a real kick in the ass, cause they don't put up with any crap, and they can dish it out too. In fact, I dated a gal who was pudgy, but she was a lot of fun. Exercise, and your own natural hormones will help pick you up. Not only that, being fit makes you more confident.